The Remembering House


Location: Penzance, Cornwall
Our Involvement: Concept design

The Remembering House is a feasibility study for a new dwelling, to be achieved via a planning application under Paragraph 80 of the NPPF for the creation of a house in the open countryside.

The proposal takes precedent from nearby ancient Cornish roundhouses. By using a combination of built forms and landscaping features, the project creates a series of enclosures across the site. These contain a new dwelling but also spaces for animals including the horses and pigs that share the site and wild animals including bats, birds, insects and amphibians for a massive biodiversity gain.

Materials explored include strawbale walls, clad in patterned stonework, plant based roofing finished including thatch, heather and seaweed, and use of roundwood framing for external shelters as well as exposed internal roof frames with curving ridges.

The project is ambitious in aiming to respond sensitively and intelligently to the historical and ecological context of the site.

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