Our Collaborators

We are proud to be partnered and affiliated with some excellent organisations.

School of Natural Building

School of Natural Building

The School of Natural Building was founded in August 2014 by Barbara Jones as a platform to offer training in Natural Building. As designers, we have a strong relationship with this sister company, and our clients often choose to work with SNaB for some or all of the construction of their project.

The School of Natural Building practical courses can offer a fantastic way to construct part of a building, where all parties can benefit. The whole suite of courses can also offer invaluable training for people who intend to build their own home.

To get in touch with SNaB about individual courses, or the full training programme, email eileen@schoolofnaturalbuilding.co.uk.



We are now working with EcoCocon to design pre-fabricated straw panel buildings in the UK. This method of building offers some great benefits including the precision of manufacturing, and reduced time and therefore cost during the construction process on-site. Pre-fab panel buildings offer an appealing option for projects that are larger in scale or number of units as compared to building with strawbales. They also offer a great alternative to strawbales for self-build projects where the higher material cost provides a valuable time saving on site, as you can build the ground floor of a modest house in 2 days, and have a 3 bedroomed 2 storey house weathertight in 5 to 7 days.
Ecococon panels are cradle to cradle and passive house certified, and have also achieved REI 120 fire classification.


SBUK - Strawbale Building UK

We are a long-standing member of SBUK. Their aim is to promote straw bale building and best practice within the sector

SBUK is an association of Practitioners, Designers, Academics, Enthusiasts and Trainers who have banded together to provide a resource hub to aid you on your straw-bale building journey.


ASBP - The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products

The ASBP champion products that are better for us and the environment as well as those companies and organisations prepared to push the boundaries. They work from a position of independence from government and from short term commercial interests. They organise events to stimulate debates and champion best practice, carry out research to bridge the gap between theory and practice, Develop and scrutinise sustainability standards and Provide evidence to inform better policies
We are very glad to be members of this fantastic organisation.


FSB - Federation of Small Businesses

We are members of the Federation of Small Businesses, an organisation that offers not for profit small business advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in UK government, “helping smaller businesses achieve their ambitions”


ARB - Architects Registration Board

The Architect’s Registration Board is the regulatory organisation for the profession of Architect’s in the UK. We are an ARB registered practice.

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Architects Declare

Wellspring Architecture is a signatory of ‘Architects Declare,’ a movement of Architects declaring a climate emergency. It aims to raise awareness around environmental issues in the Architectural industry, bring Architects together to pool resources and develop best practice to counteract climate change and mass extinction.