We offer Architectural services in accordance with our vision, mission and core values.

We can take a project from ‘spring to sea,’ working with you from the very beginning and initial ideas, through planning and building regulations / warrant stages and offer ongoing support whilst the project is under construction. 


We also offer a consultancy service, where advice or information can be provided via email, telephone or video conference on an ad hoc basis.


As per our core value of collaboration, we will work with you to create a project that serves you. We will not encourage you to agree to a design you are not happy with.


To honour our core value of accessibility, we aim to make our services accessible to people so that we can support the creation of natural, healthy buildings in a variety of circumstances.

Work Stages

  1. Feasibility

  2. Planning

  3. Building Regulations / Warrant

  4. Construction Information

  5. Consultancy during Construction


 1. Feasibility


This stage is only required for a project where the scale or nature of the building is not known from the outset, or some design work is required to test the viability of a project on a particular site.

At this stage we generally develop sketch site and plan layouts, in conjunction with simple 3D digital models to test how to meet the space requirements for a project, and how this can fit and be arranged on a site.



 2. Planning


We start the planning work stage once we have developed a preferred feasibility design in stage 1, or if the size, scope and requirements for the project are already clear when first approached.

During this stage we would compile all materials required for the submission of a planning application which includes:

  • Developing the design to the level of detail required for the application

  • Producing all drawings required for validation of the application

  • Advise and support in obtaining any surveys or reports required for the application

  • Where applicable liaise with any other consultants required at this stage of the project

Our building design process includes:

  • Compiling the project brief which lists the spatial and construction requirements for the project

  • Visiting the site where possible, or review site photos and information remotely

  • Compiling images or drawings of inspiring projects to your taste for reference

  • Making accurate CAD drawings for the design

  • Developing a digital 3D model for the project that you can look around using an online portal (see example video)


 3. Building Regulations / Warrant


Once planning permission is received for a project, we can start the technical design process for Building Regulations / Warrant approval. For projects in England, we recommend using a private building control company and submitting drawings for approval before starting any works on site.

During this stage we would compile all materials required for the submission of a building regulations full plans application which includes:
- Developing the design to the level of detail required for the application
- Producing detailed drawings and specification notes for the project
- Advising, obtaining quotes from and liaising with any other consultants required for the technical design


 4. Construction Information


During this stage, we would produce any outstanding drawings or documents that are not required for your building regulations or warrant plans check, but are useful for the construction of the project.

If required we can also provide support in providing production information for suppliers or costing.


5. Consultancy During Construction


During the construction phase of the project we typically remain involved as a consultant, to respond to queries or offer ongoing advice and support via email, telephone or video conferencing as well as site inspections on arrangement.



How much do you cost?

Our fees are tailored to each project and are based on the scale and complexity of a proposed design.

Generally, Stage 1 Feasibility is billed on the basis of an hourly rate, or an estimate is given for the amount of time required to produce a feasibility design. Stage 5 Consultancy During Construction is also charged on the basis of an hourly rate.

Our fees for stages 2, 3 and 4 are generally on the basis of a fixed quotation, and we provide a detailed breakdown of what is included or not included within the fee.

Our fees will typically form a higher percentage of the construction cost for smaller projects as these do not benefit from economies of scale, and certain essential tasks take the same amount of time regardless of the size of the project.

We can also work on the basis of an hourly rate if preferred.

How are your fees charged?

For work stages that are charged on the basis of an hourly rate, we bill monthy based on the number of hours worked.

For fixed fee stages we take a 20% deposit at the beginning of the work stage, and bill monthly based on progress made during each month.

Payment is due within 14 days of issue of an invoice.

How long will it take?

How long a project will take can depend on many factors.

When we receive an enquiry we are able to provide an approximate lead in time to start any new work, based on our current work flow.

At Stage 2: Planning, for a typical 2-4 bedroom house we aim to issue initial draft drawings within 2 weeks of commencing work (this is in addition to our lead in time). From this point, the timescale depends on how quickly we receive feedback on the design, and how many amendments are required.

At Stage 3: Building Regulations / Warrant timescales are more difficult to predict as they are also dependent on other consultants and a wide range of decisions that need to be made regarding the detail of the building design.

The project timeline also needs to factor in the time taken to receive a planning application decision. Planning applications take a minimum of 8 weeks from the validation of the application, and for more contentious proposals or where a proposal goes to appeal this can take considerably longer.

Depending on the construction method, there are certain materials or parts of the building that should only be built at particular times of the year which may also affect the project timeline.

Also note that if a bat survey is required for including in a planning application that these can only be conducted between May and September.

Where do you work?

Whilst we are based in South Devon, we work on projects all over the UK.

We love to meet with people in person and be able to visit sites where possible, but we are able to make the most of online and digital methods to be able to work remotely very effectively.

Do you work on projects outside of the UK?

Unfortunately we are not able to provide Architectural services for projects outside of the UK.

What if I already have planning permission?

We are very happy to take on a project that already has planning approval and developing the technical design for building regulations/warrant and construction information.

What if I only want to work stage by stage?

We are happy to work on specific stages of a project where required or preferred. By taking a project through all the work stages, we are able to maintain quality and the design principles we work to. We never ask you to commit to the whole process upfront and would renew our agreement at each stage of works.